A Kiddush is a festive, informal catered buffet enjoyed at the conclusion of morning services on Shabbat and holidays. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, or commemorate the Yahrzheit of a loved one, by sponsoring a Kiddush.

KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP $400 (+ Birthday Cake, L'Chaim, Extras)


 Please charge my card this amount for the kiddush I have selected

I will pay by check, please send me an invoice
Week I wish to Sponsor:  

First Name*
Last Name*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Post Code*
This is my home business address.


Card Type
Card Number

Expiration Date

Email Address
Reconfirm Email Address

Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address.

Chabad of West Parkland offers unconditional acceptance for every Jew, regardless of background or level of observance. Our environment is open-door and non-judgmental, and our traditional services are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere.