Our Philosophy



Rabbi Yosef & Baila Biston, emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, moved to Florida in 1973 and were the pioneers behind Jewish life in Miami Beach, Aventura, Ft. Lauderdale and Boca before settling down and founding Chabad of Parkland in 1998.

18 years later, and with the help of Rabbi Mendy Gutnick, his wife Estie (nee Biston), Rabbi Shuey Biston, and his wife Sarah (nee Popack), Chabad of Parkland has blossomed into a large community with two locations, East and West Parkland.

Our philosophy, way of life, mission, inclusive approach in serving G‑d and reaching out to our fellow Jew and all of mankind, is based on the teaching of the worldwide spiritual leader Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson ob”m.

Rabbi Schneershon inspired us to shower all Jews with unconditional love and to provide an opportunity for meaningful life enhancing spiritual experiences. Which we do, through innovative programming, learning and prayer, all in a non judgmental, warm and accepting environment. The Rebbe, as he was commonly referred to by his hundreds of thousands of followers, and millions of admirers, also taught us that in our role as a light unto the nations, we must work together with people of good will of all faiths to make the world a better place by promoting acts of goodness and kindness.

Our centers serve as a meeting place for social, religious, educational, cultural, and family events. Where young and old regardless of their background, level of observance or affiliation, can enhance their awareness of the Jewish faith and its traditions.

Chabad of Parkland is based on the ideology of Chabad Lubavitch, which emphasizes the enriching of our daily life experience with a comprehensive religious life system, based on intellect leading to action . This way of life is embodied in the Hebrew acronym ChaBaD, standing for wisdom (chochma), understanding (binah) and knowledge (da'at). Chabad encompasses the precept of combining the love of G‑d and the love of mankind, and to actualize that love with actions and expressions of kindness. Chabad of Parkland helps develop the spiritual inner-self of a person. Manifesting the concept that "Jewishness" or Judaism is not merely a weekend religion, but a way of life.

We take pride in creating an ambiance of love and acceptance by teaching tolerance and awareness of G‑dliness to all.

Our communal services in which all of the congregates of all ages participate, takes on a joyous spirituality, expressing a strong connection through song, personal expression and meditation in prayer.

In addition, our multi media adult and teen educational classes, personalized study sessions, growing Hebrew School, and family events have become a hallmark in our community.

We are genuinely overwhelmed by the tremendous response of the community embracing our vision and for acting as our partners in seeing it to its fruition. We could not have come this far without the concrete commitment of the members of this community and their willingness to be a part of this great endeavor.

The success of Chabad is merely a sum total of this communities collective efforts.