Chabad of Parkland Building Dedications and Tributes


As Chabad of Parkland grows and expands our mission so do the opportunities for you to partner with us.

We offer you the opportunity to honor the name of a family member or loved one by making a special and unique dedication to Chabad.

All dedications will be recognized on a distinctive Tribute Wall located in the Building’s main entrance.

Founder - $54,000 * Patron - $25,000 * Pillar - $18,000
Benafactor - $10,000 * Supporter - $5,400 *
Sponsors - $3,600 *
Chai - $1,800

I would like to make a donation of: $
I wish to dedicate my donation in memory/honor of  
May the merit of this generous mitzvah and eternal dedication be a source of blessings for you and yours of Nachas, happiness and much success in all your endeavors. May we celebrate many happy occasions together as a community, with health and happiness, for many years to come.
*Denotes required field
First Name*
Last Name*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Post Code*
This is my home business address.

Please charge my Credit Card

Card Type

Card Number

Expiration Date

3 or 4 digit security number

I will mail in a check to Chabad of Parkland - 7170 Loxahatchee Rd