
Alyssa's Playground Butterfly Dedication

  • Dedicate a Butterfly to help complete Alyssa's Playground

  • You can become a lasting part of Alyssa's Playground at Chabad of Parkland when you dedicate a personalized butterfly image that will be a part of the magnificent permanent art installation at the entrance to the playground.

    Make a gift of $1,000 and we'll install one gorgeous butterfly image, personalized and sealed in the butterfly display. There are other levels of dedication as well.

    Fill out the form on this page with your information with your personalized inscription and you will also receive a hand crafted butterfly memento designed and made especially for you by the children at Eagles Haven as a token of appreciation! 

    Only 70 butterflies available to dedicate!

    Butterfly Campaign goal is $300,000 

    (We have already raised $230,000 of the TOTAL PLAYGROUND GOAL $300,000)
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